A Father's Perspective

Pieter van der Merwe, Dad to Anika, aged 3

Anika came into the world in a bit of a rush, and she hasn't really slowed down since. I think she's always trying to keep up with her older sisters and impress her little brother.

Looking back on the day she was born, I have mixed feelings—some fear, some regret, but mostly happiness.

The delivery went smoothly until the midwife mentioned, "there are a few features I have a concern about." My wife, Marietjie, immediately turned to me and said, "You know that means she has Down syndrome, right?" I didn't know at the time, and it hit me hard. I felt like my stomach dropped, but I wasn't sure why. We still had this beautiful little girl in our arms. I was instantly worried for Anika and felt the need to protect her from the unknown.

I couldn't stop cuddling her, and as long as she was in my arms, I felt everything would be okay.

Marietjie and I were unsure of what the future held, so we decided to focus on taking things one day at a time. I started telling myself, "If the good things that happen today outweigh the bad, then it's been a good day." Over the next three months, the good days far outweighed the bad. There were tough days too, but that's been the case with all our children and will continue to be. I soon realized I didn't really know why I had been so upset. Instead, I was just relieved to focus on Anika.

Sure, it's tough sometimes, and Anika needs extra help along the way. But the joy of watching her reach milestones and succeed in everyday activities is something truly special.

When Anika was born, I struggled to imagine what the future would hold for her. Now, I can't imagine my life without her. Her cheekiness, determination, laughter, kindness, affection, and love know no limits. Her big personality and boundless energy keep us all on our toes, but I wouldn't want it any other way.


A Mother's Journey with Lila


A Mother's Perspective